First Quarter Moon in Gemini – March 14 2019

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A momentum has gathered and the tension is real. Wherever you have been feeling particularly shut down or destabilized, you are ramping up to more relevant action. Are you getting down to essentials? We push our shovels a bit deeper, churning the metaphorical earth of our personal project sites. This exertion is just the thing to deal with actual material obstacles that we see before us. There is necessity here beyond our own making. Frustrations with the material realm are par for the course yet can assist us in recognizing the value of creating structures to address them.

You might feel pressed to define your motives, your process or your world-view to others. Recognize when you have resistance and consider carefully if outward communication needs to happen. Is action more appropriate? Words might be misheard or work against the optimism that feeds your tender roots and upward growth. Something is finally going to give.

There is a push of energy required but we have it in us. There is an influx of ideas that has not yet reached a synthesis, but we take it as a challenge. After all, we don’t have the reserves to keep changing directions. Growing roots and stems takes a tremendous amount of effort! With nothing to show the world but the skeleton of what’s to come we must learn to let in the encouraging voices, gather knowledge and respect our personal journeys. 

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